Blunders… Nothing more than blunders

ICC has been renamed by many cricket analysts as Indian Cricket Council instead of International Cricket Council, because of their such series of blunders

Kapil Dev

Batting and fielding averages
Mat Inns NO Runs HS Ave BF SR 100 50 6s Ct St
Tests 131 184 15 5248 163 31.05 8 27 61 64 0
ODIs 225 198 39 3783 175* 23.79 3979 95.07 1 14 71 0
First-class 275 384 39 11356 193 32.91 18 56 192 0
List A 310 270 47 5481 175* 24.57 2 23 99 0
Bowling averages
Mat Inns Balls Runs Wkts BBI BBM Ave Econ SR 4w 5w 10
Tests 131 227 27740 12867 434 9/83 11/146 29.64 2.78 63.9 17 23 2
ODIs 225 221 11202 6945 253 5/43 5/43 27.45 3.71 44.2 3 1 0
First-class 275 48853 22626 835 9/83 27.09 2.77 58.5 39 3
List A 310 14947 9161 335 5/43 5/43 27.34 3.67 44.6 3 2 0

Imran Khan

Batting and fielding averages
Mat Inns NO Runs HS Ave BF SR 100 50 6s Ct St
Tests 88 126 25 3807 136 37.69 6 18 55 28 0
ODIs 175 151 40 3709 102* 33.41 5105 72.65 1 19 36 0
First-class 382 582 99 17771 170 36.79 30 93 117 0
List A 425 384 80 10100 114* 33.22 5 66 84 0
Bowling averages
Mat Inns Balls Runs Wkts BBI BBM Ave Econ SR 4w 5w 10
Tests 88 142 19458 8258 362 8/58 14/116 22.81 2.54 53.7 17 23 6
ODIs 175 153 7461 4844 182 6/14 6/14 26.61 3.89 40.9 3 1 0
First-class 382 65224 28726 1287 8/34 22.32 2.64 50.6 70 13
List A 425 19122 11312 507 6/14 6/14 22.31 3.54 37.7 12 6 0

I am not here to degrade Indian legend by showing such stats but I feel being a sports loving person, it’d be on equality. Honestly if these stats were vice versa i.e. Kapil Dev having stats of Imran Khan and Imran Khan having stats of Kapil Dev, I’d had taken it as this is what sports is all about, means showing sportsmen spirit. But right now when ICC (should I call it International Cricket Council or Indian Cricket Council????), announced the list of all time eleven on the eve of the 2000th test match of international cricket, they made some great blunders, like one I just mentioned above. No doubt Dev has been a great skipper and led his team to famous victory at the 1983 Cricket World Cup, but ignoring these criteria’s while announcing an all time 11 that too when international/global cricket is celebrating 2000th test, ignoring not only Imran Khan but also Gary Sobers, Vivian Richards, Richard Headley etc, than personally I think there’s some mistake in it, ok the team must have to be limited to 11 players but you can’t ignore players like I mentioned up above and also Courtney Walsh and Curtly Ambrose! Plus how can we ignore Great Hanif Muhammad, who was given the title of little master by the Queen Elizabeth herself, plus Javed Miandad (know many will crack jokes on him), but the kind of ton innings he played in tough situations, were all match winning scores. So I must say ICC showed biased ness.

Why am I saying like that?

Economically I must admit Kapil Dev is way too much better than Imran Khan in any format of the game, but apart from Economy rate, Strike rates and Averages are also given importance. Mind you both of them were bowling all-rounders means their major was bowling, rest the readers are quite capable of understanding who’s better!


ICC and Pakistan

Harper did the right thing raising voice against this thing, no one is above the law, the way Indian skipper criticized.

Atlast someone dared to say something openly and bluntly that he’s against rationality in the game of cricket, just like Australian Darrel Harper mentioned in his latest radio interview.

It must be noticed that its against the integrity of umpires and officials that players pointing fingers on the integrity of those who manage a particular game, but the way umpires and officials were criticized by Indian skipper. Anyways don’t wanna say rough about it because its a natural thing but on the contrary it must be noticed that a game should be played with its full spirit.

Anyways, coming back to Pakistan, because of criticism of Pakistan Cricket Board on Pakistan Task Team findings, now members of Pakistan Task Team are expected to visit Pakistan soon, to have a look into ground realties for which Pakistan Cricket Board heavily criticized ICC-PTT on. But I personally feel that the findings of ICC-PTT was well managed because before 1999, Pakistan Cricket Board was run under Governor Bodies, and they used to conduct elections and elect chairman of the cricket board, it was after 1999 that ad-hoc was implemented where chairman of the cricket board was selected by Patron-in-Chief which is usually President of the Country, and the whole problem starts from there.

Why am I saying like that?

I am saying this because of following reasons:

President of the country doesn’t have time to look into the matters of cricketing affairs, and whatever is presented in front of him, he’s to believe them, because its his own appointed personnel. Limiting the power of many people into one single personnel, means there would be a series of blunders, as the chairman would try to poke into other matters like selection of the team and other matters, plus he’ll try to have all powers under him including governor board’s meetings and etc. As there wont be scrutiny or audit of what he does, he’d definitely try to bring his own people into helm of affairs of the board so that there would be anyone who’d be pointing fingers on him. He’d definitely not like a scenario where there would be chance of elections.

What were the main points, PCB raised fingers on ICC-PTT findings?

They wobble that:

  • The Fact-Finding report was made on the opinion of one person (Ramiz Raja, who was the only Pakistan in that lot which prepared this report)
  • This fact finding report was void of ground realties, which prevails in Pakistan.
  • Interaction with Government is necessary when it comes to settling of security and other similar matters.
PCB itself requested ICC for preparing of such report, but there should have been clear guideline, instead of giving privilege

What I say?

I say that these people are living in la la land! First of all, tell me one thing. before 1999 when PCB was run like a joint stock company, which was mentioned in the panels of Security Exchange Commission of Pakistan, also known as SECP, even than teams used to visit Pakistan and play good cricket as well, ok admit it that since September 11, 2001 times have changed but still so much influence of Government ain’t good for the game itself. I don’t know what other reasons are there other than easiness of having corruption in the board. They have literally bankrupt that Hen which used to lay golden eggs because of their spend-theft activities.

By spend-theft, I mean those expenditures which includes unnecessary traveling of our beloved chairman of cricket board whenever and wherever the team is touring to, since its obligatory for Pakistan Cricket Team to play their home and away games on the foreign shores, so its like Eid for the management of Pakistan Cricket Board to enjoy the freedom of traveling world-wide, who can resist to such privileges.

So I am definitely in favour of what ICC recommended but on the same, I do oppose their unnecessary poking, and on this I am in favour of PCB because its none of ICC’s matter as although there are some flaws in the PCB but still Pakistan Cricket Board is Incharge of domestic matters and ICC don’t have any obligation to impose whatsoever grounds, Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka also have the same issues i.e. Governmental influences etc but ICC never dare to poke there and impose its authority, it can give suggestions and guidelines but implementing them in on the hands of PCB or the home country cricket board.

Don’t wanna be rational that’s why not saying that because Sharad Pawar is the President of ICC, that’s why this and that is happening, we must admit that India has created its lobbying power to an extend where Pakistan will need some time to reach.

Post Script

By the time I am writing this, India is about to play England in the 2000th test match of cricketing world and still Mr. Butt is on his way to the London to experience that special test match plus have “informal talks” with ICC and ICC-PTT members. I just wanna conclude that they should keep their media cell active so that hoax like such shouldn’t get space on national and international media, in a TV show when CEO of PCB Subhan Ahmed came, and clarified many rumours that they have not rejected but showed some reservations regarding SOME points of their fact-finding reports so one can’t say we’ve rejected them. I just say when such step was taken before such things erupted, couldn’t that been much better? A good manager is a person who senses such things before they occur.


What I think of pros and cons off this current ICC Conference for Pakistan Cricket

These couple of days have been very interactive for the cricketing world, specially when it comes to decision makings and rules regulations for the future of the game, as if how the game is to be played from now on.

I agree with many but disagree with some as:
Things I agree with:
  • No-Government influence in Cricket Governing Body in a Country
  • Elections in the Country’s Cricket Board chairman and other members instead of being selected from the higher authorities of their Governments
  • Runners’ rule
  • Test Championships etc
But things I disagree with:
Following are some of the points I greatly disagree with. Some of them even looks like minute points but they are capable of hampering the game itself. Although I must admit not everyone would agree with me on these points specially like you’re reading point like Hawke-Eye, which majority wants to remove it from International Cricket but I think another way.

Hawke-Eye removal
There can be modification into Hawke-Eye like instead of predicting the 2.5 rule (in simple, the distance it’s gonna cover after passing the batter) it should be removed as there’re some confusion with it but it could had been used for only predicting the overall path of the ball since it pitched and hit the batter so that one can understand what’s going on because I feel human-eye is a much better tool than this Hawk-eye and Virtual Technologies, because with assistance from technology, human-eye can best predict, which way the ball’s gonna move so it’s useless that such technology has been wiped-off from cricket. I’m not putting my weight on this technology but somewhat its helpful for umpires whether they’re upstairs or on field. I’m in favour of retaining these powers with umpires as they are the best to adjudge such decision. Although I am not a great fan of its prediction, look at this for reference. Plus what I feel that Hawk-Eye may struggle with predicting the curved trajectory of a cricket ball after bouncing: the time between a ball bouncing and striking the batsman may be too short to generate the three frames (at least) needed to plot a curve accurately.
Matches distributions
Matches’ distribution among the member countries have been unequal, where India, England and Australia have been the major beneficiaries from current FTP which is for the period between 2011 to 2020 season. I already wrote about unequal distribution, but forgot to mention that how other teams are going to progress when they’re going to play less matches compared to India, Australia and England, how can a team progress up to ICC Test and ODI rankings when it is to play mere 88, 89 matches when the formers are going to play 120 matches a piece during the same period. I am not saying this being a Pakistani but overall, when it comes to teams like South Africa, Sri Lanka, New Zealand as well, they also got double figured matches.
Window for Domestic Tournaments
This is the major concern for me, as business is a funny thing which requires competition among the masses, here India was able to create window for two of its multimillion tournaments in this current edition of FTP, if that’s the case than SLPL is just round the corner, plus many countries are planning to stage their own edition of Premier Leagues’, plus many countries are already having their own T20 domestic tournaments like England and Australia and most probably West Indies too and therefore we can expect from them that they can also press ICC to give window for their domestic tournaments, and therefore by giving space to such tournaments, ICC itself have self-detonated.

Test and ODI Cricket Ratings 
They didn’t discussed it like the way it should had been but it is a major concern as there are some comical errors in the rating system, as what I feel in-order to create a sense of performance variable points system, they forgot that there could be instances like a number two team in the test ranking, playing a number seven ranked team, at latter’s home-ground, if former wins series 2-1 or even 1-0, it’ll not affect its ranking, but if the second team wins even a single test game against the number two sided team, it’s ranking will improve vice versa and similarly that number two team will have some decline to its ratings. Similar was the case with Pakistan, when before ICC Cricket World Cup 2011, it toured New Zealand, it won the test and ODI series but still its ratings weren’t moved, although those games which Pakistan lost in ODI’s that time were close games and Pakistan didn’t lost those games with the margin less 50 runs. Unlike FIFA having its ratings in which they calculate how much a team scored goals and how much goals were scored against them and who were the opposition they were playing with, they also applied variances but it is working unlike this ICC Ranking System, where I can’t understand and what in the world made them to apply performance variable calculus for robots when the players playing on cricket grounds are human beings.
Last but not the least, The Associates
Initially before this meeting, the Associates were scrapped off from 2015 ICC Cricket World
Cup which is awarded to Australia and New Zealand, and this tournament was initially limited to 10 top full member teams, but in this meeting it was decided that this tournament would be a 14 teams with four teams being from the associates, which have to play the qualifiers. Associates have taken it as their win as now they are able to play against the big guns and polish themselves.
What About Pakistan Cricket Board?
I think these were the major points which could create a difference in future for the games, but still for Pakistan Cricket Board I’d say they should work for the recommendations laid down by ICC Pakistan Task Team a.k.a. ICC PTT, they should work for the implementations of those recommendations, instead of making lame excuses like they’ve been right now. Satisfying the ICC ain’t an achievement, instead clearing up their own collars and their own house if what is really mattered. I don’t wanna say anything more which might make me end-up being blocked from blogosphere, but what’s my philosophy that you should point fingers on others but not before clearing up yourself and well-prepared. That’s where I’m finding this cricket-board being foolishly runned, is this a way a corporate organization is run? I don’t think so.
What I say, and WHY?
What my experience working in the corporate, they ask for work and results, and in case of
presentation or slides of achievements, you’re advised to be fully prepared, confident, bold and fluent, and you should work on yourself that much that people around you should act according to you, instead of they dictating the terms on you. This current Cricket Board is working vice-versa, they’re not confident, agile and most importantly without any homework at all, so how can they say that they posses achievements of some sorts? Pathetic is a hard term but its still not enough for them, as they are more than they are seen above the ground.
In short, I can only say that Pakistan should work on the next FTP from today so that such mishaps which happened this time ain’t gonna happen again, plus ICC should also pave way from all member countries to have almost equal number of games during the FTP period, there can be a difference of ± 5-10 games but difference like one can see in this current FTP where one team is playing 120 odd games while other team is playing 80 odd during the same period, they wobble that they’re taking all possible steps to promote the game of cricket, than how and what in the world is making the over-looking such basic things. I am not saying this being a Pakistani but being a sports lover that when ICC is saying clear up the mess from your house, than they should first apply the same with them and clear up those drama-queens which are in ICC, responsible for such a mess. They say spot and match fixing is a big mess in cricket, I say they should first remove betting from cricket as I feel this is not the main instead the root cause and mother of all problems and a bone-of-contention.

No offence… Cheers!

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People getting happy on so much little achievements

Doing nothing for Pakistan Cricket,
instead have been a curse
PCB has been on the high that they achieved what they wanted from the ICC meeting held at Hong Kong. Most probably it means that they expected very low results from that meeting.
Even the results of the FTP negotiations are not as bad as initially expected. Between now and April 2020, Pakistan have 88 Tests scheduled which is considerably lower than the big guns of England, Australia and India but alongside Sri Lanka (88) and ahead of West Indies (84), South Africa (82) and New Zealand (80). This, officials said, was the result of increased efforts over the last year with other boards, an indication that relations with a few members might be improving, albeit tentatively.
England and Australia will play 109 and 107 Tests respectively between now and April 2020, with five Ashes series planned – three in England and two in Australia. Pakistan, who have had to play their home series at neutral venues in recent times due to security concerns in their own country, will host Bangladesh and Australia in 2012, and South Africa in 2013. They will play 88 Tests in total till April 2020.

In March 2012, they (Pakistan) are even scheduled to tour India and getting that inked into the FTP is being considered an achievement by the board. If political relations improve, there could be more tours which will add considerably to Pakistan’s schedule. Means a conditional schedule, which means that although it seems Pakistan able to gather some India tours in bags but under the conditions, dictated by the BCCI itself.

Secondly, Mr. Butt has been busy touring China, and on asking he is saying that whatever the reports hovering in Pakistan and Internationally regarding influence of governmental authorities on cricket boards must be removed, is a fallacy.
I just can’t imagine why this old man instead of going to the mosque and start praying to Allah for his sins, instead doing politics in the cricket board itself. I just hope something better goes into admin matters of Pakistan Cricket.

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Faysal Bank Super 8 T20, light at the end of tunnel!!!

Although the tournament was only 8 days, but it was an
action packed tournament, which ended on the first super
over of Pakistan Cricket History
The most exciting T20 venture Pakistan Cricket ever had just ended last night with a bang and an upset when Rawalpindi Rams snatched Faysal Bank 2011 Super 8 T20 Tournament trophy from Karachi Dolphins.
Dolphins who were playing its 5th final in this this domestic T20 tournament, had some highs and lows during the 8 days long tournament they participated in.
Some Lows
No one will say this was a low, but to be honest, we lacked in captaincy, and batting. Bowling paved the way for Karachietes enroute to the finals. I am objecting on captaincy because of the blunders they did in the match against Multan Tigers, making unnecessary batting shufflings, giving strike to them who’re pinch hitters over those who best suited to the situation, take example of Sarfraz Ahmed, who is a regular batter but was demoted into the batting order to give way for the sloggers like Sohail Khan and the skipper Sami himself, and when Sarfaraz came on strike, although he scored 8 on 3 balls but that was just too little too late.
Secondly, we lag in power hitting department, I am not aiming in dark, but seriously if you go through the score line of Karachi, they heavily relied on 2, 3 batters, i.e. Rameez Raja Junior scoring 238, Asad Shafiq scoring 174 and Khalid Latif scoring 136 of their route to the finals playing 5 matches, they did played their part but they were the ones only whom the team heavily relied, unlike Rams, who had unknowns but everyone in their team played its part. Whatever matches Karachi won in this tournament is because of their batting.
Smiling Highs
Karachi lost the match on super-over, secondly kept their legacy of participating into the 5th final of this tournament, but there were couple of highs for the blue shirters, as their bowling did cover their captaincy and batting blunders throughout the tournament and kudos for them to have such attack and making a cliffhanger. I’d like to point out some of the bowling performances by Karachi during the tournament.
Sohail Khan
Bowl, Bat Team Opposition Ground Date
5/23 K Dolphins v R Rams Faisalabad 1 Jul 2011
4/18       K Dolphins v S Stallions Faisalabad 30 Jun 2011
3/32 K Dolphins v Wolves Faisalabad 28 Jun 2011
2/32, 0* K Dolphins v Tigers Faisalabad 26 Jun 2011
14/105, 0

Tanvir Ahmed
Bowl, Bat Team Opposition Ground Date
1/39 K Dolphins v R Rams Faisalabad 1 Jul 2011
1/55     K Dolphins v S Stallions Faisalabad 30 Jun 2011
1/32 K Dolphins v Wolves Faisalabad 28 Jun 2011
0/36, 1 K Dolphins v Tigers Faisalabad 26 Jun 2011
2/27, 7* K Dolphins v R Rams Faisalabad 24 Jun 2011
5/294, 8

Azam Hussain
Bowl, Bat Team Opposition Ground Date
2/31 K Dolphins v R Rams Faisalabad 1 Jul 2011
2/34     K Dolphins v S Stallions Faisalabad 30 Jun 2011
2/10 K Dolphins v Wolves Faisalabad 28 Jun 2011
1/33, 1* K Dolphins v Tigers Faisalabad 26 Jun 2011
3/38 K Dolphins v R Rams Faisalabad 24 Jun 2011

Mohammad Sami
Bowl, Bat Team Opposition Ground Date
1/18 K Dolphins v R Rams Faisalabad 1 Jul 2011
2/43, 0     K Dolphins v S Stallions Faisalabad 30 Jun 2011
1/5, 18 K Dolphins v Wolves Faisalabad 28 Jun 2011
0/32, 0 K Dolphins v Tigers Faisalabad 26 Jun 2011
0/31, 2 K Dolphins v R Rams Faisalabad 24 Jun 2011
4/129, 20
Although bowling was also not upto the mark but they did paved the way for the team. Everyone chipped in with the contributions, and if their were not fielding and captaincy blunders, things might have gone in Karachi favour. But still taking nothing away from Rawalpindi Rams, they were the under dogs, and that’s why they complimented each other and complemented exquisitely. Plus one shouldn’t forget Awais Zia’s onslaught on Karachi pace batteries, from start Pindi were on 5th gear which honestly speaking didn’t allow Karachi to recover although it looked the game shifted either this way or the other but literally they played according to their plan and stick to it, therefore they deserved this win.
Hoping for the best for Pakistan cricket.

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The ICC Conference 2011 in Hong Kong and Pakistan…

ICC surely took some tough decisions in this
conference held at Hong Kong, some were meaningful
others were meaningless, like allotting unequal
number of games among the playing nations
Atlast India have won this frontier and many congrats on it as they made Pakistan Cricket on the backfoot. But no blame game as whatever happened, is because of our own mistakes.
Why I am saying this? Its because of just 88 test matches, in which some of the India-Pakistan matches schedules are yet to be decided due to political differences between the two boards, officially it says 88 but I say not more than 78 79 test matches after Pakistan tour to Windies to the end of 2020 where this current FTP is limited to.
In it we’re unsure of many tournaments which Pakistan is going to play according to FTP, but while reviewing the FTP I find out that there Pakistan has been deprived of its share of games allotted as compared to India, Australia and England, who have been playing a 5 match test series, Pakistan is only given maximum 4 match series, else its flooded with 3 match, maximum 4 match per series even against the opposition like South Africa, England, Australia, New Zealand etc.
Not counting the ODI and T20 as compared to the above mentioned ones, they are also playing the major share of ODI’s as well, where Pakistan has been the third last behind Windies, Zimbabwe and Bangladesh in its quota of games to be played between the period.
I am not saying it did injustice and did and that, but the matter of fact is that there are mistakes from our end, which made us pay the price to that extend, they just capitalized the advantage they got because of us. Else Boards like BCB and SLC were/are under threat from ICC on losing its membership, PCB could had taken them in the club and tried convincing the ICC to give more share of games under its belt in this current FTP.
As far as the rules and regulation that ICC gave a press release about cricket boards without political influence, means Pakistan Cricket Board, Bangladesh Cricket Board and Sri Lanka Cricket are under direct assault and they have 24 months to bring that much change into their whole system. Although Pakistan solitary retaliated and foolishly said that political influence is required for setting up security matters for foreign and national tours etc, but I agree with the ICC on it that cricket boards are required to be elected not selected. It means that Pakistan will experience many changes in its system, influence of governing council, board of governance, which were a tale of old times will revive again.
Hoping for the best for Pakistan cricket.

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Are heroes treated like that?

Not only Afridi but there are many players
who were disgraced in current cricket
board’s tenure.
After a week long gap, I’m again in a mood to write one, as dust from Afridi-PCB controversy starting to settle as Afridi withdraw his petition against the PCB and made himself available for the hearing at PCB HQ. On the other hand PCB gifted him with hefty fines and with that gave him a PCB NOC which means he can now play his remaining stint with UK County Hampshire and the SLPL.
Since 8th of October 2008, when this Azaab-e-Ilahi (God’s Curse), imposed on us in the shape of PCB chairman, following the support with some of the in-power political parties and parties in the opposition, has ruined and deteriorated Pakistan’s and Pakistan Cricket’s image once and for all, It’ll take sometime to get these wounds healed.
We lost players like MoYo and Younis just because they came in against of the Butt’s dictatorship. They claim that we got rid of dictatorship but I say a new sort of idiotic dictatorship has been imposed on us where no one’s accountable on the top but the sub-ordinates do.
I am too young to have a memory of PCB’s history but whatever I heard and searched about PCB from my elders and from the internet, I never found a clue that so many players went in against of the administrator of the PCB to the court in a same tenure. Players had to have a visit to Provincial High Courts in order to gain some justice against the PCB. I don’t know why and what in the world making them so complacent to take action against this buffoon in human shape. Neither he has provided with a future plan for Pakistan cricket, nor invested in PCB property like Grounds, infrastructures etc, but in order to get positive gestures from the people in power, he has created an International Cricket Ground in Garhi Khuda Bukhsh. I do not object on this construction of ground but what guarantee do they give it’d be well maintained, unlike National Stadium in Karachi, which is under shattered, although they’ve worked so much on the outfield but what about the outlook of the ground? Similarly with a domestically used PCB held cricket ground recently constructed at Mirpurkhas, Sindh, which outer walls were on ground when last year torrential rains after Cyclone Phet hit Thatta and adjourning areas.
Talking about players, this is not the first time that a senior has retaliated against the current administration of the PCB, Younis Khan who won us the 2009 WT20 stint in the UK also came under fire, than MoYo and so on and so forth. I just thank Almighty Inzamam-ul-Haq retired on the right time, else the kinda respect and response he got from everyone wasn’t even thinkable. Already we’re famous in the World for not respecting our seniors when they retired, they came up with a boom and die with a spark like a star whose life’s diminished with just a spark of light and than its a history. I don’t think after great Imran Khan and Javed Miandad, I don’t remember we gave a standing ovation to an outgoing sports personality, whether it comes to two great W’s. Saqlain Mushtaq, who innovated the Doosra Ball, Shoaib Akhtar, even those who’re in and are in hot waters although because of their own, the PCB should have had supported them whatsoever, we should not forget many of our current cricket team players’ hail from humble background, so when PCB is spending so much in creating their own housing societies and etc, they should invest in their own players because of them, the PCB is able to generate money but instead of investing them into their players, they’re using them in themselves, and let players to play for foreign leagues, to earn, instead of doing something like that on their own ground. I was hearing about PPL or PCL whatsoever since Pakistan played that famous Karachi test against the Indians in 2006-07 season, had they started it on war-approach, if they had started PPL or PCL back than, eventhough attack on Sri Lankan team would had happened, atleast we’d had some source of earning and similarly up-to-date upgrade of our grounds, or at Dubai, Sharjah and/or Abu Dhabi. It could had been a profitable venture in whatever the circumstances.
Look what India have gained from their domestic multimillion tournament, they’ve up-to-date ground facilities, they are able to have back-benches populated so that there’s backup to every single player, on the contrary I need not to mention what’s the situation in Pakistan, even those who do not watch cricket know what’s and where’s wrong! Instead of spending time in investing and creating new ways of generating incomes, they are wasting their energies in court visits and Uncle Butt‘s foreign trips with the team. May Allah bless us all, Ameen.

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He too, did it…

Many people will disagree with me but I
feel don’t blame PCB as they’re pathetic
but I didn’t expect such a childish act
from him
As right now when I am writing all this, Pakistan white washed Ireland 2-0, in Belfast yesterday (Monday, 30th May 2011), but again Pakistan Cricket was under spotlight later that night, when I was about to sleep at night when news broke that former Pakistani ODI Skipper Shahid Afridi has retired from International Cricket under condition that he’ll return when current cricket board will be dissolved.

Being a Shahid Afridi fan, I said to myself mate you did just right, as whatever was happening with you recently means that such an action was on cards. But later on when I thoroughly went through all this fiasco, I felt that PCB was on fault but Afridi on the other hand was not right in going for an emotional tactic.

Why I am saying so?
Because in an corporate organization (don’t wanna say PCB though), one must has to follow the rules and regulations of an organization whether you like it or not, its obligatory. If Afridi had some sort of problems with management, he should have created some lobbying so that he may get some favour against the PCB which could had made his case a lot stronger than right now, as right now when I am writing this, PCB has terminated his central contract and thinking of sending another show-cause notice to him! That’s what I feel decisions made on emotions backfire, this is the prove of it.


Reasons to prove:
1. If PCB was so hostile than weren’t there any other options other than exposing your aces?
2. If he felt he was not treated the way he should have been, than there were other ways to expose them instead of exposing them in front of Pakistani media, which has been without a sense of patriotism and will publish any report without confirming that whether it’ll help the country or not!
3. If he was having problems with management, than he should had gone for a step-by-step revelation, instead of direct revelation, consequences he’s already facing. I feel the current PCB will put him under such restrictions that he’ll find it difficult to return from that exile, even though if PCB changes.
4. There are ways like putting your case in front of the board of directors of PCB. I know those people are also sold out but still there was some moral gap than that yeah I put my case over there that’s why I am taking such drastic steps, than PCB won’t had any chance for explanation.
5. He could had taken a diplomatic step that he complained of having players respecting problems, he could had made a league of his own comprises of former skippers in this tenure and than he could had put pressure on the PCB, that could had worked.

The reason I am writing all this, there were alternatives but taking a drastic step to show he was innocent and others were doing wrongly to him, is a childish act, because already retirements from a Pakistani player has been a joke as they retire and they come back. What I feel the definition of retire is to end, finish and not to continue, what sort of retirement is this? Like some English communication errors, we’re using redundant and ambiguous terminologies like partial retirement etc. Already Pakistani Cricket has suffered alot because of this “partial retirement sort of blackmailing”, this should be stopped by any means. Respectable nations don’t do such pathetic acts to deteriorate their country’s impression and let their country’s flag to go down, when our players will learn it? Time will tell


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Sick man’s old dream… No doubt

Before working properly on this proposal of
staging a home-game in Pakistan, should remain
realistic of the ground realities.
By the time I am writing this, Pakistan have won their first ODI against the Irish. Too bad the game was not telecast on television but still there was not that much hype created for this match as well.

But the real test gonna start for Pakistan in late October when its gonna host Sri Lankans, the current ICC CWC 2011 finalists. It’ll be great test for Pakistan on the whole, not only for Pakistani Cricket Team, and (Pathetic performing) Pakistan Cricket Board but also Pakistani Government and Authority, as rumours which prevails in Pakistan that talks have been under going with Lankan authorities for staging Pakistan’s home games against Lankans in Pakistan. I personally feel its a sick man’s old dream (I am not working on Indian mentality but we should admit reality, the kind of incompetent government sadly we possess I have to admit, we are not in a position to stage an international game against a major opponent in Pakistan.

Winning confidence of the foreign teams is another thing but possessing self-competence is another. When our Eastern and Western borders are not safe enough from intruders so how in the world can we say that we are in a position to stage our home-games in Pakistan? First we should clear-up our own collars with the mess created by our own and than try to look into their eyes, else we’ll be laughing matter internationally like we’re these days.

Until we do not clear up the mess (this is a time wasting exercise, whoever created it), we should not risk calling teams to play in Pakistan, although its expensive staging games abroad but that’s the only option we’re left with because of our own in-competency. If I were at the place of Butt, I’d had ceased all international cricketing activities, and would had worked on the grass-root level level upgrade of cricket grounds, infrastructure, facilities, working on B and C teams, just like Proteas authorities did and when they returned, they returned with a bang in 1992, they have their share of weaknesses but their weaknesses are camouflaged by their strong points. Why can’t we learn from them? Lets hope and keep our fingers crossed, and hope so in future we can expect something better…



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Butt, Butt nothing but BUTT

Not optimistic with what
being happening in Pakistan 
Cricket recent past

Right now when I am writing this, Pakistan-Irish first ODI has been late due to rains and covers are still on. Too bad the games aren’t to be telecast so have to rely merely on live-scorecards, that’s a major turn-off for cricket-fans as they like to have games telecasted on television. Anyways whatever, Irish might not admit it openly but it’s a major platform for them to prove ICC wrong when they’ve decided to have No-Associates 2015 Cricket World Cup which is supposed to played in Australasia.

Apart from this development, captain again changed, gash!!! Means Mr. Butt has now presided over nine changes in the Test and ODI captaincy during his tenure as chairman, a period of less than three years, what other reasons he might be able to present, other than the Waqar-Afridi objection in team-selection and its matters, what other solid reasons he’s able to present that too on a particular time???

I still remember, Shoaib Malik and MS Dhoni were selected as skippers on the same time for the inaugural ICC World T20 Event in South Africa, since than Shoaib Malik, Younus Khan, Mohammad Yousuf, Shahid Afridi, Salman Butt and lastly Misbah-ul-Haq is the latest inclusion worth mentioning in this list.

Board of Control for Cricket in India has been consistent with their policies, the major prove is consistent with Dhoni, he has been rated as their premier man, and so they back him in whatsoever circumstances although like Pakistan, there were voices raised that Dhoni should be replaced this and that etc. but they back their man and from a number 5 rated team, now its rated in top three teams whether its in ODIs, T20s or Test Matches.

Here, we’re not sure of who’s to be the premier, and playing a musical chair game with the person who has to lead and represent the nation and its green coloured flag internationally on cricketing grounds. I am not saying this being a Afridi fan, but the reality is since we lost the ODI series in UAE against Proteas, our performance has been on the up, winning ODI series in New Zealand, ending up 4th in ICC Cricket World Cup, when no one was rating them to cross the preliminary round robin, and than winning the ODI series in Windies, after such performances, we should credit the captain and he should had been favoured instead of being rusticated from team captaincy. Although he did commit a mistake that he made this news break that yeah there was something fishy going on in the camp, which I personally think being unethical, because the way Pakistani Media has been acting these days, mentally torchering, mixing up the facts and figures, and emotionally blackmailing, breaking news to them is just like giving custody of an one liter milk to a cat.

Under those circumstances, I don’t think even if we win this Irish ODI series, we should start celebrate, but much better if we take consistent steps to develop Pakistan Cricket.
